In network marketing "posture" refers to the belief and confidence you have in yourself. It starts with your mindset and is reflected in your attitude. Whether you are speaking with someone on the telephone, chatting with them online, or meeting with them face-to-face, having the right "posture" is a must if you are going to be successful.
So how do you develop your "posture?" To me, it's simple.
1. Choose to have a Positive Mindset. When things are going well for you, it's easy; but how do you respond when not so great things happen? You still have the choice, it's just harder to make. Develop the habit of being positive and do not let negativity of "naysayers" deter you.
2. Be Prepared. Many people get easily distracted and are therefore not ready when they need to be on point. When you aren't prepared, you lack confidence and it shows. Develop the discipline to stay focused and your preparation will emanate confidence.
3. Education. The more you know about the network marketing industry and how it works, the better equipped you will be to handle the constant social and technological changes that affect it. You must invest in your network marketing education constantly if you want to continue, or begin, to succeed.
Understanding and implementing these simple concepts will make your conversations a lot easier. This business is about networking and building relationships with people; and in order to build those relationships you need to have the right "posture."
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